Inpatient Gambling Treatment Minnesota


No matter who you are, if you have a gambling problem, there’s hope – and help.

Despite the fact that treatment works, nearly 90 percent of people diagnosed with a gambling disorder do not seek treatment.
National Center for Responsible Gaming, Top 10 Research Studies Impacting Gambling Disorders

Project Turnabout is an inpatient, CARF-accredited Minnesota drug rehab. They provide short-term and long-term residential drug rehab programs, outpatient care, and detox programs. Some of the treatment services that patients can receive here include: medication-assisted treatment; co-occurring gambling treatment; co-occurring drug and alcohol. Has implications for both treatment planning and treatment outcomes. The University of Minnesota is currently conducting an evaluation of the effectiveness of the State funded outpatient and inpatient compulsive gambling treatment programs. The study includes the collection of admission, discharge.

Call now: 1-800-333-HOPE Text: HOPE to 61222 Click to Chat

What happens when I call?

When you call 1-800-333-HOPE, you’ll speak with an understanding, specially trained professional who is ready to answer your questions. He or she will connect you with the resources you’ll need to make a positive step forward.

What happens when I text?

When you text hope to 61222, you’ll receive a confidential message from an experienced professional inviting you to share your concerns or questions. They can offer you reliable assistance and guidance as you move forward.


Will they know my name?

All communications are completely confidential and non-judgmental. The person you’re speaking with will only know what you choose to share.


Is it expensive?

The call is free, and most treatment services you might pursue are also free of charge for qualifying individuals throughout Minnesota, or priced at a sliding scale against your income.

I’m not comfortable discussing my problems with a stranger.

It’s natural and understandable to hesitate to share deeply personal – and sometimes painful – issues with someone outside your circle of relationships. But it can also be necessary to get the help you need. You’ll be speaking with someone in confidence who does not know you, will not judge you, and is there to help.

The more you gamble, the more you lose. Here’s why.

Casinos and other gambling games have built-in mathematical advantages to ensure that they will make money. Casino games and devices are based on random events or random number generators. Streaks and patterns are entirely random, and the next event is unpredictable and independent of previous events. Yet over the course of play, even these random outcomes are tipped to the casino’s favor.

Some gamblers begin to have an illusion that their lucky shirt or pushing a button a certain way gives them control, but the games are operated by random devices or cards.

The belief in “winning streaks,” “losing streaks” and “near-misses” is common but in reality, these patterns don’t exist. The next spin, hand, or drawing is random and unconnected to the last – and the casino always has the advantage.

In fact, there is a name for this misconception: the gambler’s fallacy. The gambler’s fallacy is the belief that if something has not happened for a long time, it is bound to happen. Just because a flipped coin lands on heads nine times in a row, it doesn’t mean that it is more likely to land on tails– the chance is still 50/50.

For free, confidential assistance, call 1-800-333-HOPE or text HOPE to 61222.

Inpatient Gambling Treatment Minnesota

How to avoid the temptation to gamble

For some, a support group can be a tremendous help. You can find a Gamblers Anonymous support group online.

Set goals and set yourself up for success. Create short- and long-term goals to help you focus on recovery. Avoid high-risk situations, such as meeting at gambling venues or carrying around large amounts of money.

See Full List On

Face your feelings and talk about them. Speak openly with someone you trust to reduce stress and acknowledge your feelings without blame or judgment.

Focus on the positives and find healthy alternatives. Acknowledge your achievements and find healthy new hobbies or activities to reduce the temptation to gamble.

Realize lapses may happen. Many people experience lapses, but that doesn’t mean you have failed in recovery. Learn from your lapses to see how you can identify triggers and avoid future lapses in recovery.

    • National Problem Gambling Helpline (800.522.4700): ensures local problem gambling help is just one call away anywhere in the US.

List Of Minnesota Gambling Addiction Treatment Centers (22)

    • National Conference on Problem Gambling The oldest and largest annual conference of its kind. Approximately 500 regulators, legislators, counselors, researchers, industry executives and recovering gamblers attend each year. Specific in-depth training is provided for all aspects of the field and top researchers present their latest findings. Up to 30 hours of Continuing Education Units may be earned over the 2-day Pre-Conference Workshops and 2-day Main Conference. The location changes each year, hosted by a state Affiliate and offering each region of the country easy access on a rotating basis.
    • Responsible Gambling Holiday Lottery Campaignencourages adults not to give lottery tickets to underage children/teens as holiday gifts – many problem gamblers report that they began gambling during childhood and this campaign aims to help prevent it.
    • Risk Education for Athletes Program (REAP): educates athletes of all ages about the personal and professional risks involved with gambling and how to be smart in risky situations.
      • Problem Gambling Awareness Month Our annual nationwide grassroots campaign launches around ‘March Madness’ to educate healthcare providers and the public about problem gambling and practices of responsible gambling.
    • National Referral Resource we maintain the only nation-wide online directories of certified counselors and inpatient/residential treatment facilities that offer specialized help in problem gambling, plus state-by-state referral resource listings. See: Inpatient & Residential Treatment Facility List and Counselor Directory Search.