People's Poker Tour 2021


POKER BOWL – TBD Guarantee. EVENT SCHEDULE; MORE INFO Lodging; 2021 Poker Bowl; 21 OR OLDER EVENT. 2020 Mid-States Poker Tour (MSPT) Site Design. Welcome to Senior Poker Tour, your home for events dedicated to players 50 years of age and older. We have been busy developing our newest series, the State Senior Poker Championships. This exciting new program is currently being scheduled with the 26 states that allow legal poker play. We hope to have a full schedule in place very soon! The dates are June 26-July 10 and July 11 - 25, 2021. The cost for the 15 day “Trip of A Lifetime” is $4150 per person. View Itinerary and Tour Details Egypt 2021 Tour Brochure (6 pages) There is a separate brochure for those traveling from outside of the U.S. Or who do not need international airfare. Egypt 2021 land only 6-page brochure. Beginning in Memphis and following the Mississippi River south to Natchez, our journey travels through more than five thousand years of history – from ancient earthen mounds to Civil War battlefields. Schedule details. June 23-July 12, 2021 July 8-27, 2021 Call 844-359-2020 for private group options Recommended Grades: 6-12. ECEI is the official travel provider for People to People International Travel Programs. Contact People to People International Travel Programs 2405 Grand Boulevard, Suite 500.

Kemet Nu (Black Peoples’) Productions
African-Centered Lectures, Tours to Egypt & Ethiopia Plus Videos By Ashra & Merira Kwesi
AshraandMeriraKwesiarelecturerson Africanhistory,civilization,religion,andculture.They presentlivelyanddynamicmultimediaproductionsandvideosandconductAfricancentered tourstoEgyptandEthiopia.Basedontheirstudyandtravel,theyrevealstartlingandprofound informationontheAfricanoriginofmanyoftheconceptsandsymbolsnowutilizedbythe western world.
3 Decades of research, travel & tour experience in Egypt
Ashra Kwesi’s 30 year celebration in EgyptBy Basui Amenemhet 6250 (2010)
Kemet Nu Productions P.O. Box 41005 Dallas, TX 75241 Tel: (214)-371-0206 Fax: 214-371-09086 Email: or© Kemet Nu Productions
NextEthiopiaTour-Tentativelyfor December,2021-January,2022.Annual African-centeredwintertourto“theland where humanity began.” Sample of 2019 Ethiopia brochure (6 pages)
Duetooverwhelmingresponse,wewill conduct2summertourstoEgypt.The datesareJune26-July10andJuly11- 25,2021.Thecostforthe15day“Tripof A Lifetime” is $4150 per person. View Itinerary and Tour Details Egypt 2021 Tour Brochure (6 pages)Thereisaseparatebrochureforthose travelingfromoutsideoftheU.S.orwho do not need international airfare. Egypt 2021 land only 6-page brochure
Studio-produced,visual,historically documentedvideosofslidepresen-ations.Livelecturesfilmedonlocation inEgyptandEthiopiatobring“our story” to life.

People's Poker Tour 2021 Schedule

Visuallydocumentedpresentations basedonalmost4decadesoffield researchintheAfricanNileValley.Call 214-371-0206tobookaprograminyour area.